HIMPEL Introduction

We contribute to human health
through air and energy technology.

IAQ professional company HIMPEL

As a leading IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) specialized company,
manufacturing bathroom ventilator and ventilation system, we make healthy
and pleasant living possible with high quality of indoor air under the mission
of “contributing to human health through air and energy technology”.


We contribute to human health through air and energy technology.


Protecting the environment today,
for a sustainable tomorrow
Through our heat recovery technology, which minimizes CO2 emissions, and an eco-friendly ESG management system, we are fully committed to supporting the local community and safeguarding the environment in a socially responsible way.
What ESG is?
ESG is a corporate management approach that defines how a company pursues sustainable growth by combating climate change, reducing carbon emissions, contributing to society, and conducting ethical management.
Creating a greener planetECO-FRIENDLY MANAGEMENT
To strengthen our eco-friendly management system, we operate a green management organization and implement a range of measures that directly contribute to creating a greener planet.
As part of our mission to ‘contribute to human health through air and energy technology,’ we focus on implementing energy efficiency measures that help protect the environment. These include reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions, and expanding our use of new and renewable energy through eco-friendly facilities.
In addition, our ‘All Right Ventilation Project’ is designed to provide ventilation systems to our local community and small business owners, so that we can promote the health benefits of safe and effective ventilation solutions.
Leading the way in
eco-friendly ventilation systems
The heart of HIMPEL's eco-friendly approach is the development of a ventilation system that reduces greenhouse gases by minimizing energy use during the cooling and heating process. In the case of indoor ventilation, HIMPEL's ventilation system is designed to recover more than 70% of the heating energy in winter and more than 50% of the cooling energy in summer during the ventilation process.
  • We have also reduced CO2 emissions based on an efficient product manufacturing process, having progressively optimized all aspects of the process that have an impact either directly or indirectly.

    In particular, we utilize a new eco-friendly material, Expanded Polypropylene (EPP), in our products. It is has excellent environmental protection properties, such as enhanced sound absorption, insulation, and durability. It also minimizes the emission of environmental pollutants during incineration.

    More about EPP
  • In addition, we have achieved energy savings of 53% and energy independence of 28.55% through our solar power generation facilities, green remodeled eco-friendly buildings, building envelope insulation.

  • And high-efficiency heat recovery ventilation. As a result, we have been able to realize a Zero Energy Factory and expand the use of new and renewable energy.

HIMPEL is leading the way in the construction of ventilation systems that protect that Earth and the environment by introducing eco-friendly practices in all of our processes, from system development to manufacturing, and facilities.
All Right Ventilation Project
Promoting the benefits of effective ventilation
HIMPEL’s ‘All Right Ventilation Project’ is helping to protect local citizens and small business owners by preventing the spread of COVID-19. We donate ventilation systems, such as “Hueven S”, to small businesses, government offices, and preschools to help them create a safer environment. Through the campaign we are also raising awareness about the importance of effective ventilation. In particular, we promote the safety benefits of extracting the airborne water droplets and carbon dioxide generated when people breathe and expelling them outside. This project is enabling us to proactively support the creation of safe ventilation environments in the local community.
  • 2022-02 Ventilation Project

  • 2022-01 Ventilation Project

  • 2021-12 Ventilation Project

Going greener – inside and out
In order to help create a sustainable way for our company to thrive and grow,
HIMPEL is strengthening our eco-friendliness by applying green management techniques to our business goals and strategies through the operation of a green management organization.
The Activities of a Green Management Organization
  • Research and develop
    ventilation systems

  • Establish
    carbon emission
    reduction strategies

  • Expand
    products with
    green certification

We are continually exploring new ways to protect the environment by gradually increasing the number of our products that have green certification.

  • 2024.12 Designated as a ‘2024 Excellent Corporate Research Institute’ by the Ministry of Science and ICT
  • 2024.10 Selected as one of the 25 Best Leaders in the Korean Economy 2024 (Customer Satisfaction Brand Category)
  • 2024.06 Himpel, The Silent Hood, winner of the IR52 Jang Young-sil Award
  • 2023.11 Selection of 100 billion venture companies (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
  • 2023.04 Red Dot Design Award (EBN)
  • 2022.12 PinUp Design TOP100 Selection (Huezentte Palette)
  • 2022.08 GOOD Design Selection (Zeroc H, Humir, Huven W, Entrance Cleaning System)
  • 2022.07 ISO 45001 Accreditation of Safety and Health Management System
  • 2021.11 Presidential Commendation for the 2021 Carbon Neutral Green Management Awards
  • 2021.10 IR52 Jang Young-shil Award (HIMPEL Huezentte)
  • 2021.10 New product (NEP) certification (Hueven S)
  • 2020.11 Certificated as Green Certification
  • 2020.11 Award from the Minister of Industry at the Korea Green Management Awards
  • 2020.11 Award from the Korean National Quality Award
  • 2020.11 Award from the Grand Prize in the 2020 Best Brand ERV Category Selected by Consumers
  • 2020.09 Selection of GOOD Design (Zeroc P)
  • 2019.12 Export Tower Award by the Korea International Trade Association
  • 2019.12 The First Zero Energy Factory in Korea
  • 2019.10 Industrial Technology Promotion Association(KOITA) Government Award Presidential Award
  • 2019.03 Strategy and Finance Minister Represents Law Taxpayers
  • 2018.12 Selection of GOOD Design (Huzentte2) and presentation of Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business
  • 2018.01 Certification of small and medium-sized companies and selection of small and medium-sized companies for young people
  • 2017.12 Selection of female employment superior companies
  • 2016.12 Accreditation of outstanding position in reading management
  • 2016.11 Award from the Director-General of the Ministry of Commerce and Resources for Corporate Innovation
  • 2015.07 Selection of Best Companies for Jobs
  • 2015.07 Chairman of the Korea Environment Corporation, Winner of the Health Housing Award
  • 2014.09 Selected as Promising Small and Medium Company(GyeongGi-Do)
  • 2012.05 Won the Prime Minister’s commendation as a small business contributor (in manufacturing division)
  • 2010.08 Change the company name to HIMPEL Co., Ltd.
  • 2009.02 Selected as GOOD DESIGN (by Korea Institute of Design Promotion)
  • 2006.01 Certificated as INNO BIZ company (R6061-0049) by the Small and Medium Business Administration of Korea
  • 2005.01 Approval Lab affiliated with company(No. 20051108)
  • 2004.12 Registration of venture companies
  • 2000.12 changed the company name to Jindo Living Tech Co., Ltd.
  • 1989.08 Established Jindo Precision Chemicals Co., Ltd.

HIMPEL CI with company mission of ‘contribution to human healthy through air
and energy technology’

HIMPEL of strong personality and capacity Strong and solid style has been applied to CI font to describe unlimited potential of HIMPEL
to grown into the world with dynamic energy, passion, and enterprising spirit.

Color / Minimum standards

RED (PANTONE : P 1935 C)

C:0 M:100 Y:70 K:0

Black and white standards


C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:70

Color of dynamic energy, affection and passion towards the world

RED (PANTONE : P 1935 C)

C:0 M:100 Y:70 K:0


C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:70


C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

Color of eco-production


C:100 M:0 Y:70 K:0


C:30 M:20 Y:20 K:0


Examples by color type

Applicable color

RED (PANTONE : P 1935 C)

C:0 M:100 Y:70 K:0


C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:70


C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100